How to make a Poll on Discord Mobile?

Making polls in the Discord channel owner is a fantastic way to attain the members’ interest and engage them on the server. Polls can be also utilized to make decisions for servers, to acquire people’s interest in different topics, vote for admin, moderators, role-playing, or get feedback on a service or product with the involvement of all server members.

This blog will briefly demonstrate the procedure of making a Poll on the Discord mobile application.

How to make a Poll on Discord Mobile?

Follow the below procedure to make a poll on the Discord mobile. Let’s start!

Step 1: Open Discord
First of all, open the “Discord” application on your mobile:

Step 2: Create Channel
Next, select a server and click on the “+” icon to create a Channel inside the “TEXT CHANNELS” category:

Specify the “Channel Name”. In our case, we will name our channel as “Poll for testing” and tap on the below-highlighted icon from the top right corner:

The channel is successfully created, now tap on the below-highlighted icon:

Step 3: Edit Channel
Next, tap on the “gear” icon to open the channel “Settings”:

Step 4: Set Permissions
Tap on the “Permissions” option under the “USER MANAGEMENT” category:

Step 5: Add Roll
Next, tap on the “Add a Roll” option:

Now, tap on the “@everyone” option to enable role for all server members:

Go back and view the newly assigned “@everyone” role and tap on it:

Now, look for the “Add Reactions” option and tap on the green “tick” to enable and save the added changes:

Step 5: Make Poll and Add Reactions
Go to the newly created channel message bar, type the question for a poll, and specify “:thumbsup: reaction for “yes” and “:thumbsdown” for “no”. Lastly, tap the blue arrow icon next to the text bar for sending it:

As you can see two reactions are added to the poll question, now members will poll via taping the given reactions:

That’s all, we have offered the easiest method to make a Poll on the Discord mobile application.


To make a Poll on the Discord mobile application, first, open the Discord application and create a text channel specifically for polling. Then Set Permissions for the created channel and enable the “Add Reaction” option. After doing so, type the poll question in the message bar of the channel and define its related reactions. In this blog, we have demonstrated the procedure for making a Poll on the Discord mobile application.


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