The article by Srikrishna ‘Kris’ Sharma with Canonical originally appeared in the FINOS Project’s Community Blog. It is another example of enterprises open sourcing their code so that they can “collectively solve common problems so they can separately innovate and differentiate on top of the common baseline.” Read more about Why Do Enterprises Use and Contribute to Open Source Software.
Orchestrating Legend with Juju
Goldman Sachs open sourced the code and contributed its internally developed Legend data management platform into FINOS in October 2020. Legend provides an end-to-end data platform experience covering the full data lifecycle. It encompasses a suite of data management and governance components known as the Legend Platform. Legend enables breaking down silos and building a critical bridge over the historical divide between business and engineering, allowing companies to build data-driven applications and insightful business intelligence dashboards.
Accelerate FINOS Open Source Project Adoption
Ease and speed of deployment enables innovation and lowers the barrier of entry to open source consumption and contribution. Engineering experience is about leveraging software ops automation to demonstrate impact of an open source project to the community. An awesome engineering experience is more often required to enable wider adoption and contribution to an open source project.
Over the last few months, Canonical has been working closely with FINOS and its community members to offer a consistent way to deploy and manage enterprise applications using Juju and Charmed Operators with a focus on Day 2 operations. The idea is to provide a software ops automation framework and toolkit that enables the DevOps teams at financial institutions to realise the benefits of rapid deployment/ testing and application management using a platform that is 100% open source, vendor-agnostic and hybrid-multi-cloud ready.
What is Juju and Charmed Operator?
Charmed Operator:
A charmed operator (also known, more simply, as a “charm”) encapsulates a single application and all the code and know-how it takes to operate it, such as how to combine and work with other related applications or how to upgrade it. Charms are programmed to understand a single application, its operations, and its potential to integrate with other applications. A charm defines and enables the channels by which applications connect. Hundreds of charms are available at charmhub.io.
Juju Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is a hybrid-cloud application management and orchestration system for installation and day 2 operations. It helps deploy, configure, scale, integrate, maintain, and manage Kubernetes native, container-native and VM-native applications—and the relations between them.
Juju allows anyone to deploy and operate charmed operators (charms) in any cloud–including Kubernetes, VMs and Metal. Charms encapsulate the application plus deployment and operations knowledge into one single reusable artefact. Juju manages the lifecycle of applications and infrastructure stacks from cloud to the edge. Juju is cloud-vendor agnostic and hybrid-multi-cloud by nature: it can manage the lifecycle of applications in public clouds, private clouds, or on bare metal. Once bootstrapped, Juju will offer the same deployment and operations experience regardless of the cloud vendor.
The Legend Charm Bundle
In the spirit of providing an enterprise-grade automated deployment and maintenance experience to FINOS members, Canonical created a charmed bundle for Legend and contributed it to FINOS.
The Legend Charm Bundle provides a simple, efficient and enterprise-ready way to deploy and orchestrate a Legend instance in various environments across the CI/CD pipeline, from developer’s workstation to production environment. The bundle includes several Charmed Operators, one for each Legend component.
Why a Legend Charm Bundle?
A simple way to evaluate Legend
One can spin up a Legend environment from scratch using one single command juju deploy finos-legend-bundle
An intuitive approach (for banks and other financial institutions) to spin up production environments
Provides orchestration capabilities, not only deployment scripting
Easily plugs into Legend release lifecycle and simplifies Legend FINOS instance maintenance
The Legend charm documentation resides on finos/legend-integration-juju github repository and here is the link to related repositories.multiple components.
Detailed instructions are available for local and cloud installations if you would like to spin up your own Legend instance within a few mins and start using Legend either locally or on AWS EKS.
The post Juju and Charmed Operators Accelerating FINOS Open Source Projects Adoption appeared first on Linux Foundation.
The post Juju and Charmed Operators Accelerating FINOS Open Source Projects Adoption appeared first on Linux.com.
source https://www.linux.com/news/juju-and-charmed-operators-accelerating-finos-open-source-projects-adoption/