Linux System Requirements
- The Linux prerequisites are included in their individual packages. Use the platform-specific tool (such as yum or apt) to install the package and its dependencies.
- The gnome-keyring-daemon is required to store passwords in the Save password in vault feature. It’s worth noting that KDE uses its own ksecretservice implementation.
- The MySQL server management features for Linux and macOS require sudo command capabilities to run various operations.
Additionally, the sudo user should preserve the HOME variable when performing system tasks, which is achieved by carefully editing the / etc / sudoers file with the visudo command:
MySQL Workbench installation is simple: the package is part of the official Ubuntu repository. We can use the distribution package manager to install it. The package’s official name is MySQL-workbench. All we have to do to install it is run the following command:
We have to go to the main menu and click on the MySQL workbench launcher icon to start the program. The main page will appear after the software has been launched.
We only scraped the surface of the MySQL workbench utility’s various functions in this lesson because it would be difficult to list them all here. Please make sure you visit our official website Linuxhint to learn more informative tips about Linux and other technologies.