Before installing the Apache web server, we have to update the packages of the system:
We can now install Apache after the upgrade is complete:
We’ll need to make a few configuration modifications when Apache is installed. Open the apache configuration file as follows:
Remove the unique id module comment (you can spot it quickly by pressing ctrl w):
#LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
Now, restart the Apache using the following command:
You may receive the following notification during the apache restart:
We can’t find the fully qualified domain name of the server through as a ServerName. Although this notice does not prevent Apache from starting, you can easily disable it by adding your hostname to your settings.
Using the following command, open the file for the host:
To the end of the line that starts with, add your hostname:
Following restarts of Apache, the notification will no longer appear. Apache has now been deployed on your server. Your browser will display an auto-index directory if you navigate to your server’s IP address (
You can immediately test an example page by placing an index.html file in the “srv/http” directory of Arch’s document root directory:
We’ve gone over how to set up Arch Linux, which is required to run and host the site. That’s all I’ve got for now. You now have a functional stack that is ready to host your websites. Please let us know if you have any doubts so we can resolve them.