Python math.sin() Method

Python provides several built-in functionalities for each purpose. These functions can be utilized through the different modules and libraries that become handy sometimes for each purpose. Likewise, the “math” module is one that contains multiple mathematical operations, such as the “sin()” method assists in finding sine values in radian form.

This write-up will describe:

What is “math.sin()” Method in Python?

In Python, multiple built-in methods are available for performing different operations, such as “sin()”. More specifically, “math.sign” is a built-in math function that provides the functionality of finding the sine values of the parameter passed to it in radian form. To use this function, the Pythons “math” module can be imported into the particular program.


The syntax of the “sin()” method is:



Here, the math.sin() method outputs the sine value of “x”.

How to Use the “math.sin()” Method for Finding Values in Python?

The “Math.sin()” method can be used to get the sine value of the input. To understand the working of this particular function, let’s try out the following examples.

Example 1: Calculate the “sin()” Value of the Integer Number in Python

To calculate the sine value of any integer number, first import the “math” library:

import math


Call the “sin()” method with argument through the math.sin()“ statement inside the “print()” function



As you can see, the sine value of the provided integer number is displayed below:

Example 2: Calculate the “sin()” Value of the Float Number in Python

If a user wants to get the sin or sine value of the floating number, first, initialize the “float_value” floating variable with desired floating value and passed to it:

float_value = -0.2


Use the “print()” statement with “sin()” method and pass a floating variable to it:

print (math.sin(float_value))



Example 3: Calculate the “sin()” Value of the Degree

As we know the “sin()” method returns the radian value. However, the calculator returns the degrees. The Python built-in “math” module has the “radians()” function to change the radian value of the “sin()” function into the degree.

To change the radian value into the degree, call the “radians()” method with parameters and pass as to the “sin()” function. Then, print the degree value using the “print” statement:



The degree of the provided value has been displayed as output:

We have elaborated on the Python math.sin() method with examples.


The “sin()” method is the built-in function of Python. To use this function, the “math” module can be imported into the particular program that provides the functionality of finding the sine values of the parameter passed to it in radian form. This write-up discussed the usage of Python math.sin() method with examples.


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