How to Enable and Use EPEL on CentOS?

The EPEL repository is a separate package repository that is utilized to install packages for frequently used software. Fedora developers wanted to use the packages they maintain on RHEL/CentOS; that’s how they got the idea to develop the EPEL repository. The purpose of this repository was to make the software more accessible on Enterprise Linux compatible distributions.

What is the EPEL repository?

EPEL, which stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, is a repository developed by Fedora developers that delivers additional packages for CentOS, RHEL, and other Linux distributions. The EPEL group administers the EPEL repository. Installing and enabling this repository will permit you to use ordinary tools such as dnf and yum to install dependencies and related packages.

EPEL is responsible for developing, managing, and maintaining a high-quality set of extra packages. These packages could be software that is not part of the core repository or updates which are not released yet. EPEL packages are mostly based on Fedora, which means that these packages will never replace or conflict with packages in Enterprise Linux systems. EPEL shares so much of Fedora’s architecture, including the Bugzilla instance, build system, mirror manager, updates manager, and more.

You can utilize the EPEL repository with the following Linux distributions:

  • CentOS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Oracle Linux
  • Scientific Linux

At this moment, EPEL supports RHEL 7, and RHEL 8. Modules for Perl, Python, Ruby gems, and other extras for various programming languages exist in the EPEL packages list. It also includes other programs such as ImageMagick, etckeeper, GraphicsMagick, Chromium browser builds, etc.

The motivation behind the EPEL repository’s development:

  • Provide high-quality packages to CentOS, RHEL comparable derivatives like and Scientific Linux distributions. These packages have been built, tested, and enhanced in Fedora.
  • To collaborate closely with the Fedora Project using the same rules, guidelines, infrastructure, and policies, as much as feasible.
  • Maintain EPEL add-on documentation that describes the differences and explanations in the few circumstances where it is impossible to stay synced with Fedora.

Why should you use the EPEL Repository?

  • The EPEL repository is completely free to use and open source.
  • dnf and yum are utilized for installing a countless number of open-source packages.
  • The Fedora repository is responsible for all EPEL packages.
  • There are no compatibility concerns and basic duplicate packages.

Features of EPEL:

  • This project manages RPM packages for CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL ), and Scientific Linux.
  • EPEL also includes packages for servers, desktops, and development.
  • It has its involvement in the open-source community.
  • It also supports bulk package management.

Installing EPEL Repository on CentOS:

CentOS is the most effortless distribution in terms of EPEL repository installation. Write out the below-given command to install EPEL’s latest release on your CentOS system.

sudo dnf install epel-release

Enter “y” to permit the EPEL installation to continue.

Now utilize this command to verify if the EPEL is correctly installed on your system or not:

rpm -q epel-release

List all the active packages present in this EPEL repository. In this way, it will be verified that this repository is enabled on your CentOS system or not.

$ dnf repolist

$ yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="epel" list available
$ dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="epel" list available

To search for a particular package in the EPEL repository, write out the command in the following way:

$ dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="epel" list available | grep 'monitorix'

We have also provided you the syntax for installing any package that exists in the EPEL repository. Specify the “package name,” and you are all ready to begin its installation.

 yum --enablerepo="epel" install <package_name>
dnf --enablerepo="epel" install <package_name>

For instance, we will search and install the “htop” package from the EPEL repository.

$ dnf --enablerepo=epel info htop

$ sudo dnf --enablerepo=epel install htop


Fedora developers wanted to use the packages they maintain on RHEL/CentOS; that’s how they got the idea to develop the EPEL repository. EPEL is responsible for developing, managing, and maintaining a high-quality set of extra packages. Installing and enabling this repository will permit you to use standard tools such as dnf and yum to install dependencies and related packages. In this tutorial, you learned about the procedure of enabling and using the EPEL repository on your CentOS system.

from Linux Hint

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