How to Create Arrows in LaTeX

LaTeX is a powerful tool for creating scientific and technical documents. One element about working with such documents is the use of various types of arrows.

In this quick guide, we shall discuss various types of arrows and how you can use them in your LaTeX documents.

Types of LaTeX Arrows

LaTeX supports the following types of arrows.

  • Single line left arrow
  • Single line right arrow
  • Double line left arrow
  • Double line right arrow
  • Single line up arrow
  • Single line down arrow
  • Double line up arrow
  • Double line down arrow
  • Maps to arrow
  • Long maps to arrow
  • Ne arrow
  • Se arrow
  • Left harpoon up
  • Right harpoon up
  • Left harpoon down
  • Right harpoon down
  • Nw arrow
  • Left right arrow
  • Up down arrow

LaTeX Arrow Commands

The following are the commands you can use to create arrows in LaTeX documents.

Arrow type Respective Command
Single line left arrow \leftarrow
Single line right arrow \rightarrow
Double line left arrow \Leftarrow
Double line right arrow \Rightarrow
Single line up arrow \uparrow
Single line down arrow \downarrow
Double line up arrow \Uparrow
Double line down arrow \Downarrow
Maps to arrow \mapsto
Long maps to arrow \longmapsto
Ne arrow \nearrow
Se arrow \searrow
Left harpoon up \leftharpoonup
Right harpoon up \rightharpoonup
Nw arrow nwarrow
Left right arrow \Leftrightarrow
Up down arrow \Updownarrow

The following code shows all the arrows mentioned above.






\leftarrow \\

\rightarrow \\

\Leftarrow \\

\Rightarrow \\

\uparrow \\

\downarrow \\

\Uparrow \\

\Downarrow \\

\Leftrightarrow \\

\Updownarrow \\

\mapsto \\

\longmapsto \\

\nearrow \\

\searrow \\

\swarrow \\

\nwarrow \\

\leftharpoonup \\

\rightharpoonup \\

\leftharpoondown \\

\rightharpoondown \\




LaTeX provides us with powerful and easy-to-use shortcuts for creating symbols and arrows. To learn more, consider the LaTeX documentation.

from Linux Hint

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