Interview with Masato Endo, OpenChain Project Japan

Linux Foundation Editorial Director Jason Perlow had a chance to speak with Masato Endo, OpenChain Project Automotive Chair and Leader of the OpenChain Project Japan Work Group Promotion Sub Group, about the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s (METI) recent study on open source software management.

JP: Greetings, Endo-san! It is my pleasure to speak with you today. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and how you got involved with the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry?


ME: Hi, Jason-san! Thank you for such a precious opportunity. I’m a manager and scrum master in the planning and development department of new services at a Japanese automotive company. We were also working on building the OSS governance structure of the company, including obtaining OpenChain certification.

As an open source community member, I participated in the OpenChain project and was involved in establishing the OpenChain Japan Working Group and Automotive Working Group. Recently, as a leader of the Promotion SG of the Japan Working Group, I am focusing on promoting OSS license compliance in Japan.

In this project, I contribute to it as a bridge between the Ministry of Economic, Trade, and Industry and the members of OSS community projects such as OpenChain.

For example, I recently gave a presentation of OpenChain at the meeting and introduced the companies that cooperate with the case study.



一方、コミュニティメンバーとしてもOpenChainプロジェクトに参加し、OpenChain Japan WGやAutomotive WGの設立に関わりました。最近では、Japan WGのPromotion SGのリーダーとして日本におけるOSSライセンスコンプライアンスの啓発活動に注力しています。


JP: What does the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) do?


ME: METI has jurisdiction over the administration of the Japanese economy and industry. This case study was conducted by a task force that examines software management methods for ensuring cyber-physical security of the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau’s Cyber Security Division.


JP: Why did METI commission a study on the management of open source program offices and open source software management at Japanese companies?


ME: METI itself conducted this survey. The Task Force has been considering appropriate software management methods, vulnerability countermeasures, license countermeasures, and so on.

Meanwhile, as the importance of OSS utilization has increased in recent years, it concluded that sharing the knowledge of each company regarding OSS management methods helps solve each company’s problems.



JP: How do Japanese corporations differ from western counterparts in open source culture?


ME: Like Western companies, Japanese companies also use OSS in various technical fields, and OSS has become indispensable. In addition, more than 80 companies have participated in the Japan Working Group of the OpenChain project. As a result, the momentum to promote the utilization of OSS is increasing in Japan.

On the other hand, some survey results show that Japanese companies’ contribution process and support system are delayed compared to Western companies. So, it is necessary to promote community activities in Japan.



JP: What are the challenges that the open source community and METI have identified due to the study that Japanese companies face when adopting open source software within their organizations?


ME: In this case study, many companies mentioned license compliance. It was found that each company has established a company-wide system and rules to comply with the license and provides education to engineers. The best way to do this depends on the industry and size of the company, but I believe the information from this case study is very useful for each company of all over the world.

In addition, it was confirmed that Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is becoming more critical for companies in the viewpoint of both vulnerability response and license compliance. Regardless of whether companies are using OSS internally or exchanging software with an external partner, it’s important to clarify which OSS they are using. I recognize that this issue is a hot topic as “Software transparency” in Western companies as well.

In this case study, several companies also mentioned OSS supply chain management. In addition to clarifying the rules between companies, it is characterized by working to raise the level of the entire supply chain through community activities such as OpenChain.




Challenge 1: License compliance

When developing software using OSS, it is necessary to comply with the license declared by each OSS. If companies don’t conduct in-house licensing education and management appropriately, OSS license violations will occur.

Challenge 2: Long term support

Since the development term of OSS depends on the community’s activities, the support term may be shorter than the product life cycle in some cases.

Challenge 3:OSS supply chain management

Recently, the software supply chain scale has expanded, and there are frequent cases where OSS is included in deliveries from suppliers. OSS information sharing in the supply chain has become important to implement appropriate vulnerability countermeasures and license countermeasures.

Challenge 1: ライセンスコンプライアンス


Challenge 2: ロングタームサポート


Challenge 3: サプライチェーンにおけるOSSの使用


JP: What are the benefits of Japanese companies adopting standards such as OpenChain and SPDX?


ME: Companies need to do a wide range of things to ensure proper OSS license compliance, so some guidance is needed. The OpenChain Specification, which has become an ISO as a guideline for that, is particularly useful. In fact, several companies that responded to this survey have built an OSS license compliance process based on the OpenChain Specification.

Also, from the perspective of supply chain management, it is thought that if each supply chain company obtains OpenChain certification, software transparency will increase, and appropriate OSS utilization will be promoted.

In addition, by participating in OpenChain’s Japan Working Group, companies can share the best practices of each company and work together to solve problems.

Since SPDX is a leading international standard for SBOM, it is very useful to use it when exchanging information about OSS in the supply chain from the viewpoint of compatibility.

Japanese companies use the SPDX standard and actively contribute to the formulation of SPDX specifications like SPDX Lite.

企業がOSSライセンスコンプライアンスを適切に行うために行うべきことは多岐に渡るために何かしらの指針が必要です。そのための指針としてISOになったOpenChain Specificationは非常に有用なものです。実際、今回の調査に回答した複数の企業がOpenChain Specificationに基づいてOSSライセンスコンプライアンスプロセスを構築し、認証を取得しています。




日本企業はSPDXの標準を利用するだけではなく、SPDX LiteのようにSPDXの使用策定にも積極的にコントリビューションしています。

JP: Thank you, Endo-san! It has been great speaking with you today.


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