Bash Arrays In-Depth

In Bash, an array can be an indexed array or an associative array. An indexed array is a list whose items are numbered beginning from zero. An associative array is a list where strings have replaced the numbers. Assume a pen, an exercise book, a textbook, a ruler, $42, and a pencil on a study table. These 6 items can be written as a list, as follows:
  1. pen
  2. exercise book
  3. textbook
  4. ruler
  5. 42
  6. pencil

This is an example of an indexed array. There are 6 items, but the items have been numbered from zero to 5. Numbering this way is indexing. Index counting in Bash begins from zero and not 1.

Each of these products is manufactured from some main material. A list of the main material, followed by its finished product, is:

ink => pen
soft paper => exercise book
hard paper => textbook
plastic => ruler
special paper => 42
wood => pencil

This is an example of an associative array. It is not enough to just type these arrays in a Bash file. Either of the different types of arrays has to be coded. The coding of an indexed array is similar to the coding of an associative array. However, there are small but important differences. This article gives an in-depth look into Bash arrays.

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Indexed Array

Creating an Indexed Array

One way to create the above-indexed array is as follows:

arr=(pen 'exercise book' "textbook" ruler 42 pencil)

Here, arr is the name of the array. The programmer could have given some other name. Spaces separate the different items in the array list. If an item consists of more than one word, it is typed in single or double-quotes. The index for the pen is 0; the ‘exercise book’ index is 1; the index for “textbook” is 2; the index for ruler is 3; the index for 42 is 4; the index for pencil is 5.

Another way of creating the above array begins as follows:


That is, the array is created, beginning with any item in the list. ‘2’ in the square brackets is known as a subscript. The other elements can be included later, as follows:

arr[1]='exercise book'

Note that in the inclusion, the item of index 2 has not been repeated.

Another way of creating the above array is as follows:

declare -a arr

Here, “declare” is a reserved word. ‘-a’ means indexed array. “arr” is the name of the programmer’s choice. All the elements can then be included as follows:

arr[1]='exercise book'

This is inclusion by assignment. Remember, when any value is assigned to a variable, there should be no space between the assignment operator, = and the variable or the value.

Referencing Indexed Element

The syntax to reference an element is:


Where name is the name of the array, such as arr. Subscript is an integer (number).

Positive Indices

Index counting normally begins from zero. In the following code, the values of the elements are read and displayed:

arr=(pen 'exercise book' "textbook" ruler 42 pencil)

for ((i=0; i < 6; ++i)); do
    echo ${arr[i]}

The output is:

exercise book

Six elements are beginning from index zero to index 5. So, the iteration is done 6 times and not 5 times.

Negative Indices

Negative indices can be used to access elements. In this case, -1 refers to the last element; -2 refers to the last-but-one element; -3 refers to the element before the last-but-one element, and so on. So, for the above array, -6 refers to the first element. The following code illustrates this:

arr=(pen 'exercise book' "textbook" ruler 42 pencil)

for ((i=-1; i >= -6; --i)); do
    echo ${arr[i]}

The output is:

exercise book

The display is in reverse order.

Displaying all the Elements in Indexed Array

To display all the elements, ${name[*]} or ${name[@]} can be used. In these expressions, * or @ is in the place of the index. And with that, instead of returning the values of elements, the values of elements present in the array are returned. The following code illustrates this:

declare -a arr
arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil
echo ${arr[@]}
echo ${arr[*]}

The output is,
exercise book ruler pencil
exercise book ruler pencil

Notice that @ and * used in this way are synonyms. There is a problem with the output: the phrases are separated by spaces and cannot be distinguished. The following code should separate the phrases with commas:

declare -a arr
arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil
echo "${arr[@]}"
echo "${arr[*]}"

The output is now:

exercise book ruler pencil
exercise book, ruler, pencil

IFS means Internal Field Separator. It has been assigned a comma. Note the use of double quotes for ${arr[@]} and ${arr[*]} in the echo commands. Commas have been included for the * subscript and not for the @ subscript. There is still another problem: in the second output line, where commas have been employed, spaces have not been displayed. So, @ and * are not synonyms all the time. However, it is possible to separate with comma and space – see below.

Displaying Indices of Indexed Array

The expression, ${!name[@]} or ${!name[*]} returns the indices of an array as a list, separated by spaces. Note the use and position of the exclamation sign (!). The following code shows the use of these expressions:

arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil

echo ${!arr[@]}
echo ${!arr[*]}

The output is:
1 3 5
1 3 5

Length of Indexed Array

The length of the array is given by:


Where name is the name such as arr, that the programmer gave to the array; the subscript is the highest index (length – 1) for the element whose value is set. Note the use and position of the symbol, #. The following code illustrates this:

arr=(pen 'exercise book' "textbook" ruler 42 pencil)

echo ${#arr[5]}

The output is 6. Even if some or all of the lower elements are not present, the length would still be highest_index + 1. The following code illustrates this:

declare -a arr


echo ${#arr[5]}

The output is still 6, even though no element is there, for index 0, index 1, index 2, and index 4.

Number of Elements of Indexed Array

As seen above, the number of elements in the array can be less than the array’s length. This is because the values of some elements below the last element have not been created or have been unset. The expression gives the number of elements that are set in an indexed array, ${#arr[@]} or ${#arr[*]}, as shown in the following code:

arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil

echo ${#arr[@]}
echo ${#arr[*]}

The output is:


Displaying only Indexed Array Set Elements

An index element assigned a value is set, while that which is not assigned a value is unset. The following code displays only the values that are set:

arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil

for ((i=0; i < ${#arr[5]}; ++i)); do
    if [ ! -z "${arr[i]}" ]; then
        printf "${arr[i]}, "

The output is:

exercise book, ruler, pencil,

Note how the unset elements have been identified and eliminated from the iteration in the condition. Also note that in the condition, ${arr[i]} is in double-quotes as "${arr[i]}", in order that values containing spaces can be printed. The printf command is similar to the echo command but does not add a new line after displaying. It has been possible to separate the values at the output, with a comma and space, in one line. The last echo would cause the next output to go to the next line.

A simpler form of the above code is as follows:

arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil

for i in ${!arr[@]}; do
    printf "${arr[i]}, "

The output is the same. Note the expression for the list after the reserved word, in. This expression returns the list of indices. So there is no need for the if-condition here.

Setting and Unsetting Indexed Elements and its Array

Any indexed element that has not been assigned a value is unset. An indexed element that has a value assigned to it is set. Now, an element may be intentionally unset, as the following script shows:

arr[1]='exercise book' arr[3]=ruler arr[5]=pencil

unset arr[3]

for i in ${!arr[@]}; do
    printf "${arr[i]}, "

The output is:

exercise book, pencil,

“ruler” has not been displayed. The syntax to unset an element is:

unset arrayName[subscript]

The syntax to remove or unset the entire array is:

unset arrayName


unset arrayName[@]


unset arrayName[*]

In the following code, the whole array is unset:

arr=(pen 'exercise book' "textbook" ruler 42 pencil)

unset arr

echo "${arr[*]}"

The output is nothing (an empty line) because the whole array has been unset.

Associative Array

As indicated above, an example of an associative array written on paper, is:

ink => pen
soft paper => exercise book
hard paper => text book
plastic => ruler
special paper => 42
wood => pencil

There are 6 elements, each consisting of a key/value pair. For the first element, “ink” is the key and “pen” is the value; for the second element, “soft paper” is the key and “exercise book” is the value; and so on.

Creating an Associative Array

One way to create the above array is as follows:

declare -A arr=([ink]=pen [soft paper]='exercise book' [hard paper]="text book" [plastic]=ruler [special paper]=42 [wood]=pencil)

Here, arr is the name of the array. The programmer could have given some other name. Spaces separate the different elements in the array list. If a value consists of more than one word, it is typed in single or double-quotes. A key can consist of more than one word. There are 6 key/value pairs in this coded associative array. A key is placed in square brackets. The value is assigned to the key, with the assignment operator. ‘-A’ means associative array, and it should be there.

Another way of creating the above array begins as follows:

declare -A arr

Here, “declare” is a reserved word. ‘-A’ means associative array (while ‘-a’ means indexed array). “arr” is the name of the programmer’s choice. Elements can then be included as follows:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book'

All the elements (6) should not necessarily be included at the same time. The rest can be added later. This is adding by assignment. Remember, when any value is assigned to a variable, there should be no space between the assignment operator, = and the variable or the value.

Referencing Associative Array Element

The syntax to reference an associative array element is:


Where name is the name of the array, such as arr. Subscript is the key in text form. In the following code, the values of the elements are read and displayed:

declare -A arr=([ink]=pen [soft paper]='exercise book' [hard paper]="textbook" [plastic]=ruler [special paper]=42 [wood]=pencil)

echo ${arr[ink]}
echo ${arr[soft paper]}
echo ${arr[hard paper]}
echo ${arr[plastic]}
echo ${arr[special paper]}
echo ${arr[wood]}

The output is:

exercise book

Displaying all the Values in Associative Array

To display all the values, ${name[*]} or ${name[@]} can be used. In these expressions, * or @ is in the place of the key. And with that, instead of returning the values of the elements, the values of elements present in the array are returned. The following code illustrates this:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book' arr[plastic]=ruler arr[wood]=pencil

echo ${arr[@]}
echo ${arr[*]}

The output is,

pencil exercise book ruler
pencil exercise book ruler

The order of values at the output does not have to correspond to the order in the associative array. Notice that @ and * used in this way are synonyms. There is a problem with the output: the phrases are separated by spaces and cannot be distinguished. The following code separates the phrases with commas:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book' arr[plastic]=ruler arr[wood]=pencil
echo "${arr[@]}"
echo "${arr[*]}"

The output is now:

pencil exercise book ruler
pencil, exercise book, ruler

IFS means Internal Field Separator. It has been assigned a comma. Note the use of double quotes for ${arr[@]} and ${arr[*]} in the echo commands. Commas have been included for the * subscript and not for the @ subscript. There is still another problem: in the second output line, where commas have been employed, spaces have not been displayed. So, @ and * are not synonyms all the time. Well, it is possible to separate with comma and space – see below.

Displaying All Keys of Associative Array

The expression, ${!name[@]} or ${!name[*]} returns the keys of an array as a list, separated by spaces. Note the use and position of the exclamation sign (!). The following code shows the use of these expressions:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book' arr[plastic]=ruler arr[wood]=pencil

echo ${!arr[@]}
echo ${!arr[*]}

The output is:

wood soft paper plastic
wood soft paper plastic

The order of the keys of the associative array does not have to be the same as declared in the array.

Number of Elements of Associative Array

The expression gives the number of elements that are set in an associative array, ${#arr[@]} or ${#arr[*]}, as shown in the following code:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book' arr[plastic]=ruler arr[wood]=pencil

echo ${#arr[@]}
echo ${#arr[*]}

The output is:


Note the use and position of the symbol, #.

Displaying only Associative Array Set Elements

A key element assigned a value is set, while that which is not assigned a value is unset. The following code displays only the values that are set:

declare -A arr

${arr[soft paper]}; arr[soft paper]='exercise book'
${arr[hard paper]}
${arr[special paper]}

for key in "${!arr[@]}"; do
    printf "${arr[$key]}, "

The output is:

pencil, exercise book, pen, ruler,

Again, the output positioning is not in the order that was coded. Note that “${!arr[@]}” is in double-quotes so that values containing spaces can be printed. Note that in ${arr[$key]}, key is preceded by $. The printf command is similar to the echo command but does not add a new line after displaying. It has been possible to separate the values at the output, with a comma and space, in one line. The last echo would cause the next output to go to the next line.

Setting and Unsetting Associative Array Elements and its Array

Any key element that has not been assigned a value is unset. A key element that has a value assigned to it is set. Now, an element may be intentionally unset, as the following script shows:

declare -A arr

arr[soft paper]='exercise book' arr[plastic]=ruler arr[wood]=pencil

unset arr[plastic]

for key in "${!arr[@]}"; do
    printf "${arr[$key]}, "

The output is:

pencil, exercise book,

“ruler” has not been displayed. The syntax to unset an element is:

unset arrayName[key]

The syntax to remove or unset the entire associative array is:

unset arrayName


unset arrayName[@]


unset arrayName[*]

In the following code, the whole array is unset:

declare -A arr=([ink]=pen [soft paper]='exercise book' [hard paper]="text book" [plastic]=ruler [special paper]=42 [wood]=pencil)

unset arr

echo "${arr[*]}"

The output is nothing (an empty line) because the whole array has been unsetted.

Displaying the Values of an Associated Array

Displaying the Values of an Associated Array

declare -A arr=([ink]=pen [soft paper]='exercise book' [hard paper]="text book" [plastic]=ruler [special paper]=42 [wood]=pencil)

for value in "${arr[@]}"; do
    echo $value

The output is:

exercise book

Again, the order in which the values are coded in an associative array does not have to be the order in which they are displayed. Note that @ has been used instead of * for the list variable. Also, double quotes have been used for the list variable.


An array is a list, either numbered or keyed. When the array is numbered, it is an indexed array. When the values are located by keys, it is an associative array. With the indexed array, numbering begins from zero. In computing, the array has to be coded. The programmer needs to know how to create the array. He needs to know how to add elements to the array and delete elements from the array. He needs to be able to determine the number of elements in the array. And he needs to know how to delete the array.

from Linux Hint

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