How to Install Cinnamon Desktop on Arch Linux

Cinnamon is a trendy flavor of the Linux desktop. In simple terms, Cinnamon operates as an open-source desktop environment that is a driven part of GNOME. Installing Cinnamon on Arch Linux is comparatively convenient because it does not comprise any heavy programming. Cinnamon comes from the developing team of Linux Mint. Even a beginner can install Cinnamon on the Arch Linux server without any hassle. In terms of operability, it works on par with other desktop environments, such as GNOME and KDE. The depository works at a smoother pace in Cinnamon, and it offers a more vibrant look by incorporating a user-friendly interface. This guide covers some features of the Cinnamon desktop, along with how to install this desktop in Arch Linux, for both beginners and professionals.


Cinnamon offers various exclusive features in its desktop environment. In this guide, we discuss six primary attributes that can help you decide whether to use Cinnamon as your desktop environment. The most important traits of Cinnamon include the following:

  • MDM Display Manager
  • Control Center
  • Nemo File Manager
  • Muffin Window Manager
  • Cinnamon Shell
  • Spices of Cinnamon

These six features will help you to maximize the optimal performance of Cinnamon on your Arch Linux server.

MDM Display Manager

MDM is one of the principal display managers of Cinnamon, and it is popular because many are inclined to use this display manager. After downloading Cinnamon and completing the booting process on your system, you can find the MDM window on the login screen. MDM is the display manager of Cinnamon by the default settings of the system.

Control Center

The control center surfaces the modules that are equivalent to that of GNOME because of its cognate origins. It controls the setting of Cinnamon as a desktop environment of Arch Linux. It merges the controls of GNOME and Cinnamon for stabilizing their settings.

Nemo File Manager

The Nemo File Manager, the default file manager of Cinnamon, is open-source software. This file manager incorporates GIO and GVFs and is highly professional for GTK and progress information. This function is also a remnant of GNOME.

Muffin Window Manager

The window manager for Cinnamon is Muffin, and it provides ramifications for the mutter under the category of Linux Mint Cinnamon.

Cinnamon Shell

The Shell features distinctive categories through the menu. You can also find the taskbar feature and other tools in the Cinnamon shell.

Spices of Cinnamon

As the name suggests, the spices of Cinnamon enhance and intensify the functioning of this desktop environment. The main categories of Cinnamon spices include extensions for modification, applets for the panel, desktop themes, and desklets for icons on the desktop.

Installation Procedure

To get Cinnamon requires a functioning setup of Arch Linux. The installation of Cinnamon on Arch Linux can be performed by issuing the following command in the terminal system.

$ sudo pacman -S cinnamon nemo-fileroller

If you are not using an operational desktop environment, then setting up Cinnamon can take some time.


Cinnamon provides a new flavor as a modified desktop environment, along with the traditional perks. Those who opt for the Mint flavor of Linux are likely to incline towards the usability of the Cinnamon desktop. This guide demonstrates the features of this desktop and describes the installation of Cinnamon on Arch Linux to enhance the understanding of Cinnamon for beginners and professionals alike.

from Linux Hint

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